the simplest of things can turn out to cause catastrophes, a small shake of the
earth, below the mighty ocean, can cause a city to be swallowed by raging
waters and crashing waves.
tiny bite from an insect can cause the unaware victim to suffer endless amounts
of pain.
clouds closing in on a deprived country town meeting its colder other half,
only to clash and spiral downwards until touching the earth, continuing their
raging battle of force and blustering anger until finely, running out of breath
and retreating back to the skies, leaving nothing but rubble from where a town
once stood.
we still take these little things for granted, ignoring the smallest signs and
warning that there could be something bigger brewing, signs that could have
saved the lives of many brushed of like an annoying fly, just to return in
swarms destroying everything in their path.
when you see these signs, will you ignore them as so many did? Or will you
prepare yourself, for the final battle of your lives?
was not an option for me, I have fort them all my life, hiding any trace that
they had been there, destroying the evidence that pure evil had risen from
beneath the very cracks of the city streets, all of us called our home.
getting any acknowledgement or thanks for the work I did by night, causing me
to get fired from the work I did by day.
something kept me here, almost pulled me back every time I tried to leave,
whispering in my ear that not all hope was lost, that they can’t continue to
rise for ever, but now I see, that whisper was the first sign that I ignored.
gave me hope when I knew there wasn’t any.
couldn’t have been anything other than the evil that oozed from the depths of
the city, after millions of years learning to imitate man, learning how to
walk, talk, sit, stand like a human; like a mirror image they copied every
movement, every accent.
for our EGO to grow and mature, till we thought there was nothing more mighty
on the earth than our selves.
one of these darkened maggots had crawled its way up from the ground, into my
head and laid it deceitful eggs, just like it did for so many others; which
slowly hatched into dark rays of false hope, that allowed me to think that we
stood a fighting chance, that we could put them back into the ground, back into
the darkness from which they swarmed.
like an army of ants, one came and then another, then another, where one died
five would take its place, until they carried off their victims like rag dolls
in a child’s hand.
our sleep they slaughtered us, in our dreams they taunted us and in our ears
they whispered the lies that we could survive.
of this planning, all of this time spent just to turn their hunt into a sick
and wicked game, in which they cheated and manipulated the rules. Fare play was
not something that they practiced.
us like pawns in a fixed game of chess, just simply trying to find a way to
pass the time until they lead us right into our untimely demise. Like lambs to
the slaughter we follow one another, all unaware of what will become of our
it be simply that we let them take us?
it be that we surrender to the deaths they have planned for each of us?
in my lifetime.
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